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Nessa aula vou Mostrar como Assinar um Documento Xml
This lesson will show how Subscribe to a XML Document
Cette leçon montrera comment Abonnez-vous à un document XML
Blog - WinDev - Curso Certificado - 001/... - Seleciona Certificado - Certificate Select
Blog - WinDev - Curso Certificado - 002/... - Certificate Type - Pegar Dados Certificado
Blog - WinDev - Curso Certificado - 003/... - Ver se Certificado é Válido
Blog - WinDev - Curso Certificado - 004/... - CertificateLoad - Chamar pfx/arquivo
Blog - WinDev - Curso Certificado - 005/... - Assinatura Digital Nfe - Parte 1/...
Blog - WinDev - Curso Certificado - 006/... - Assinatura nfe - Parte 2/... - System.xml.xmlDocument
Blog - WinDev - Curso Certificado - 007/... - Assinatura nfe - Parte 3/... - Assinar Documento
Blog - Windev - Curso Certificado - 008/... HttpListCertificate
Blog - WinDev - Curso Soap - 009/... Consulta Cadastro Sefaz - WebService
Blog - WinDev - Curso Soap - 010 - Status Nfe Sefaz - WebService
//_refUri= (sRefUri IS STRING = "infNFe")
clX509certi is X509Certificate2("D:\certificado_2016\certificado.pfx","senha")
clDoc is System.Xml.XmlDocument;
clDoc.LoadXml(_recebe_xml) // Ler um arquivo Xml // read an xml file // lire un fichir xml //
//certificado com endereco e senha //certificate with address and password //le certificat avec adresse et mot de pass
//ver se Refuri existe //Refers to see there //fait référence à y voir
qtderefuri is int= clDoc.GetElementsByTagName(_refUri).Count
IF (qtderefuri) =0 THEN
//nao existe // does not exists // ne pas exister
//cria um objeto assinado // creat a signed object // créer un objet signé
VrSignedXml is SignedXml(clDoc)
// adiciona a chave do certificado // add the key certificate // ajouter le certificat de clé
VrSignedXml.SigningKey = clX509certi.PrivateKey
// Cria a referencia para assinatura // creates a reference to signature // crée une référence à la signature
Reference is Reference //= new Reference();
Reference.Uri = "#" + _ChNfe
// adiciona um XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTransform para a assinatura // add a XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTransform for signature
// ajouter un XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTransform à la signature
Env is XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTransform
c14 is XmlDsigC14NTransform
// adiciona a referencia no xml assinado // add the reference in xlm signed // ajouter la référence en xml singé
// Cria a chave // creates the key // crée la clé
VrkeyInfo is KeyInfo
// carrega o certificado em um keyinfox509 e adiciona ao keyinfo // load the certificate in a keyinfo x509 and add to keyinfo
// chager le certificat dans un x509 keyinfo et ajouter à kyinfo
VrkeyInfo.AddClause(new KeyInfoX509Data(clX509certi))
// adiciona o keyinfo ao xml assinado // add keyinfo the xml signed // ajouter keyinfo le xml signé
VrSignedXml.KeyInfo = VrkeyInfo
// busca a representacao XML da assinatura e salva no XML // search the xml representantion of the signature and saved in xml
// rechercher la représentation xml de la signature et enregistré en xml
xmlDigitalSignature is System.Xml.XmlElement dynamic = VrSignedXml.GetXml()
// adiciona a assinatura no documento // add the signature in the document // ajouter la signature dans le document
clDoc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(clDoc.ImportNode(xmlDigitalSignature, True))
//salva o documento assinado // save the signed document // enregistrer le document signé
RESULT clDoc.get_InnerXml()
//Buscar arquivo xml a assinar // search xml file to sign // rechercher ujn fichier xml pourr signer
_xml_assinar is string=fLoadText("D:\arquivo_xml\43160603850874000126550010000035551000142204-nfe.xml",foUnicode)
sRefuri is string="infNFe"
chavenfe is string="NFe43160603850874000126550010000035551000142204"
s_retorno is string=assinar_nfe(_xml_assinar,sRefuri,chavenfe)
IF s_retorno=-1 THEN
EDT_xml_assinado="Erro assinar"
Codigo do dia 19 07 2021
exemplo esta
E:\_exemplos_windev_web_mob\ windev_amarildo_aula
e copia do d:\_copia
==================== Codigo para chamar assinar
//EDT_Xml_assinado=assinar_ nfe(EDT_Xml,"infNFe"," NFe432107172291650001325500100 00000061509881447")
EDT_Xml_assinado=assinar_nfe( EDT_Xml,"infEvento"," ID2102104321071722916500013255 001000000004133116576901")
fSaveText("c:\temp\assinado. xml",EDT_Xml_assinado)
ShellExecute("c:\temp\ assinado.xml")
// INTERNAL PROCEDURE assinar_nfe(_recebe_xml,_ refUri,_ChNfe)
//_refUri= (sRefUri IS STRING = "infNFe")
clX509certi is X509Certificate2("D:\BACKUP_ HD\AMARILDO\infinity\ certificado_rm2020.pfx"," rm2020")
clDoc is System.Xml.XmlDocument;
clDoc.LoadXml(_recebe_xml) // Ler um arquivo Xml // read an xml file // lire un fichir xml //
fSaveText("c:\temp\a.xml",_ recebe_xml)
//certificado com endereco e senha //certificate with address and password //le certificat avec adresse et mot de pass
//ver se Refuri existe //Refers to see there //fait référence à y voir
qtdeRefUri is int= clDoc.GetElementsByTagName(_ refUri).Count
IF (qtdeRefUri) =0 THEN
//nao existe // does not exists // ne pas exister
//cria um objeto assinado // creat a signed object // créer un objet signé
VrSignedXml is SignedXml(clDoc)
// adiciona a chave do certificado // add the key certificate // ajouter le certificat de clé
VrSignedXml.SigningKey = clX509certi.PrivateKey
// Cria a referencia para assinatura // creates a reference to signature // crée une référence à la signature
Reference is Reference //= new Reference();
Reference.URI = "#" + _ChNfe
Trace("#" + _ChNfe)
// adiciona um XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTrans form para a assinatura // add a XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTrans form for signature
// ajouter un XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTrans form à la signature
Env is XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTrans form
c14 is XmlDsigC14NTransform
// adiciona a referencia no xml assinado // add the reference in xlm signed // ajouter la référence en xml singé
VrSignedXml.AddReference( Reference)
// Cria a chave // creates the key // crée la clé
VrkeyInfo is KeyInfo
// carrega o certificado em um keyinfox509 e adiciona ao keyinfo // load the certificate in a keyinfo x509 and add to keyinfo
// chager le certificat dans un x509 keyinfo et ajouter à kyinfo
VrkeyInfo.AddClause(new KeyInfoX509Data(clX509certi))
// adiciona o keyinfo ao xml assinado // add keyinfo the xml signed // ajouter keyinfo le xml signé
VrSignedXml.KeyInfo = VrkeyInfo
// busca a representacao XML da assinatura e salva no XML // search the xml representantion of the signature and saved in xml
// rechercher la représentation xml de la signature et enregistré en xml
xmlDigitalSignature is System.Xml.XmlElement dynamic = VrSignedXml.GetXml()
// adiciona a assinatura no documento // add the signature in the document // ajouter la signature dans le document
clDoc.DocumentElement. AppendChild(clDoc.ImportNode( xmlDigitalSignature, True))
//salva o documento assinado // save the signed document // enregistrer le document signé
RESULT clDoc.get_InnerXml()
clX509certi is X509Certificate2("D:\BACKUP_
clDoc is System.Xml.XmlDocument;
clDoc.LoadXml(_recebe_xml) // Ler um arquivo Xml // read an xml file // lire un fichir xml //
//certificado com endereco e senha //certificate with address and password //le certificat avec adresse et mot de pass
//ver se Refuri existe //Refers to see there //fait référence à y voir
qtdeRefUri is int= clDoc.GetElementsByTagName(_
IF (qtdeRefUri) =0 THEN
//nao existe // does not exists // ne pas exister
//cria um objeto assinado // creat a signed object // créer un objet signé
VrSignedXml is SignedXml(clDoc)
// adiciona a chave do certificado // add the key certificate // ajouter le certificat de clé
VrSignedXml.SigningKey = clX509certi.PrivateKey
// Cria a referencia para assinatura // creates a reference to signature // crée une référence à la signature
Reference is Reference //= new Reference();
Reference.URI = "#" + _ChNfe
Trace("#" + _ChNfe)
// adiciona um XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTrans
// ajouter un XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTrans
Env is XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTrans
c14 is XmlDsigC14NTransform
// adiciona a referencia no xml assinado // add the reference in xlm signed // ajouter la référence en xml singé
// Cria a chave // creates the key // crée la clé
VrkeyInfo is KeyInfo
// carrega o certificado em um keyinfox509 e adiciona ao keyinfo // load the certificate in a keyinfo x509 and add to keyinfo
// chager le certificat dans un x509 keyinfo et ajouter à kyinfo
VrkeyInfo.AddClause(new KeyInfoX509Data(clX509certi))
// adiciona o keyinfo ao xml assinado // add keyinfo the xml signed // ajouter keyinfo le xml signé
VrSignedXml.KeyInfo = VrkeyInfo
// busca a representacao XML da assinatura e salva no XML // search the xml representantion of the signature and saved in xml
// rechercher la représentation xml de la signature et enregistré en xml
xmlDigitalSignature is System.Xml.XmlElement dynamic = VrSignedXml.GetXml()
// adiciona a assinatura no documento // add the signature in the document // ajouter la signature dans le document
//salva o documento assinado // save the signed document // enregistrer le document signé
RESULT clDoc.get_InnerXml()
================ Exemplos
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=" 2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd=" 2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3. org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
<nfeDadosMsg xmlns="http://www. NFeRecepcaoEvento4">
<envEvento xmlns="http://www." versao="1.00">
<evento xmlns="http://www." versao="1.00">
<infEvento Id=" ID2102104321071722916500013255 001000000004133116576901">
<chNFe> 432107094020190001395500100000 08431131416823</chNFe>
<dhEvento>2021-07-18T10:39:05- 03:00</dhEvento>
<detEvento versao="1.00">
<descEvento>Ciencia da Operacao</descEvento>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="
<nfeDadosMsg xmlns="http://www.
<envEvento xmlns="http://www.
<evento xmlns="http://www.
<infEvento Id="
<detEvento versao="1.00">
<descEvento>Ciencia da Operacao</descEvento>
============================== ====
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><NFe xmlns="http://www.">< infNFe Id=" NFe432107172291650001325500100 00000061509881447" versao="4.00"><ide><cUF>43</ cUF><cNF>50988144</cNF><natOp> 5.101 Venda of producao do estabelecimento</natOp><mod> 55</mod><serie>1</serie><nNF> 6</nNF><dhEmi>2021-07-18T18: 57:48-03:00</dhEmi><dhSaiEnt> 2021-07-18T18:57:00-03:00</ dhSaiEnt><tpNF>1</tpNF>< idDest>1</idDest><cMunFG> 4313409</cMunFG><tpImp>1</ tpImp><tpEmis>1</tpEmis><cDV> 7</cDV><tpAmb>2</tpAmb>< finNFe>1</finNFe><indFinal>0</ indFinal><indPres>1</indPres>< procEmi>0</procEmi><verProc> TGS Sistemas 0.8b</verProc></ide><emit>< CNPJ>17229165000132</CNPJ>< xNome>INFINITY FABRICACAO E COM of CALCADOS EIRELI</xNome><enderEmit>< xLgr>RUA CAMPO BOM</xLgr><nro>1045</nro>< xBairro>CANUDOS</xBairro>< cMun>4313409</cMun><xMun>NOVO HAMBURGO</xMun><UF>RS</UF>< CEP>93542210</CEP><cPais>1058< /cPais><xPais>BRASIL</xPais>< fone>30673503</fone></ enderEmit><IE>0860541673</IE>< CRT>3</CRT></emit><dest><CNPJ> 18044828
000107</CNPJ><xNome>NF-E EMITIDA EM AMBIENTE of HOMOLOGACAO - SEM VALOR FISCAL</xNome><enderDest>< xLgr>AV JOSE CORREA DA SILVA</xLgr><nro>327</nro>< xBairro>CAVALHADA</xBairro>< cMun>4314902</cMun><xMun>PORTO ALEGRE</xMun><UF>RS</UF><CEP> 91740380</CEP><cPais>1058</ cPais><xPais>BRASIL</xPais>< fone>5181215338</fone></ enderDest><indIEDest>1</ indIEDest><IE>963535455</IE>< email>acessoriogaucho@gmail. com</email></dest><det nItem="1"><prod><cProd>1</ cProd><cEAN>SEM GTIN</cEAN><xProd>TINTA Abs/ACR PRETO to/B</xProd><NCM>32089010</ NCM><CEST>0000000</CEST><CFOP> 5101</CFOP><uCom>KG</uCom>< qCom>1.0000</qCom><vUnCom>1. 0000000000</vUnCom><vProd>1. 00</vProd><cEANTrib>SEM GTIN</cEANTrib><uTrib>KG</ uTrib><qTrib>1.0000</qTrib>< vUnTrib>1.0000000000</vUnTrib> <indTot>1</indTot></prod>< imposto><vTotTrib>0.35</ vTotTrib><ICMS><ICMS00><orig> 0</orig><CST>00</CST><modBC>3< /modBC><vBC>1.00</vBC><pICMS> 17.50</pICMS><vICMS>0.18</ vICMS></ICMS00></ICMS><IPI>< cEnq>999</cEnq><IPITrib><CST> 99</CST><vBC>0.00</vBC><pIPI> 0.
0</pIPI><vIPI>0.00</vIPI></ IPITrib></IPI><PIS><PISOutr>< CST>99</CST><qBCProd>0.00</ qBCProd><vAliqProd>0.00</ vAliqProd><vPIS>0.00</vPIS></ PISOutr></PIS><COFINS>< COFINSOutr><CST>99</CST>< qBCProd>0.00</qBCProd>< vAliqProd>0.00</vAliqProd>< vCOFINS>0.00</vCOFINS></ COFINSOutr></COFINS></imposto> </det><total><ICMSTot><vBC>1. 00</vBC><vICMS>0.18</vICMS>< vICMSDeson>0.00</vICMSDeson>< vFCPUFDest>0.00</vFCPUFDest>< vICMSUFDest>0.00</vICMSUFDest> <vICMSUFRemet>0.00</ vICMSUFRemet><vFCP>0.00</vFCP> <vBCST>0.00</vBCST><vST>0.00</ vST><vFCPST>0.00</vFCPST>< vFCPSTRet>0.00</vFCPSTRet>< vProd>1.00</vProd><vFrete>0. 00</vFrete><vSeg>0.00</vSeg>< vDesc>0.00</vDesc><vII>0.00</ vII><vIPI>0.00</vIPI>< vIPIDevol>0.00</vIPIDevol>< vPIS>0.00</vPIS><vCOFINS>0.00< /vCOFINS><vOutro>0.00</vOutro> <vNF>1.00</vNF><vTotTrib>0.35< /vTotTrib></ICMSTot></total>< transp><modFrete>1</modFrete>< vol/></transp><pag><detPag>< indPag>0</indPag><tPag>01</ tPag><vPag>1.00</vPag></ detPag></pag></infNFe></NFe>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><NFe xmlns="http://www.