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MouseCursor (Property)
In french: CurseurSouris
...MouseCursor é usado para descobrir e modificar o cursor rollover definido para um controle, uma janela ou uma página.
Lembrete : você pode definir:
  • o cursor de rolagem usado por um controle de janela ou por uma janela na guia "UI" da janela de descrição do controle ou janela.
  • o cursor de rolagem usado por um controle de página ou por uma página na guia "Detalhes" da janela de descrição do controle ou página.
// Modify the cursor of the BTN_Validate button
BTN_Validate..MouseCursor = curHelp
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
// Modify the cursor of the cell
CELL_Bckgrd..MouseCursor = "./cursor/earth.ani"
// Modify the cursor of the edit control
EDT_Name..MouseCursor = "http://MyServer/MYPROJECT_WEB/pen_r.cur"
WINDEVAndroidJavaUser code (UMC)

Finding out the rollover cursor used for a window or for a window controlHide the details

<Cursor name> = <Element used>..MouseCursor
<Cursor name>: Character string or integer constant
Name of the cursor used for the specified control or window. Can correspond to:
  • A specific cursor name (file with a .CUR or .ANI extension):
    • name of the cursor if the file is found in the current directory,
    • name and full path of the cursor if the file is found in a directory other than the current directory.
      Java ".CUR" or ".ANI" custom mouse cursors are not supported in Java.
      Android .ANI custom mouse cursors are not supported in Java.
  • A preset cursor identified by one of the following constants:
    curHelpHelp for an object
    curIbeamInput cursor
    curCrossStandard cross
    curArrowStandard arrow
    curUpArrowUp arrow
    curForbiddenSign not allowed
    curSystemHandSystem hand Java Cursor identical to curHand.
    curSizeCross Arrow cursor
    curSizeNESWNorth East/South West arrow
    curSizeNWSENorth West/South East arrow
    curSizeWEWest East arrow
    curSizeNSNorth South arrow
<Element used>: Control name or window name
Name of the control or window whose associated cursor must be found.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code

Finding out the rollover cursor used for a page or for a page controlHide the details

<Cursor name> = <Element used>..MouseCursor
<Cursor name>: Character string or integer constant
Name of the cursor used for the specified control or page. The default value is the curAutomatic constant: the cursor is inherited if a parent element is associated with a specific cursor, otherwise the default cursor defined for the control is used.
Can correspond to:
  • A specific cursor name (cursor file managed by the browser). The associated CSS value corresponds to url(<Cursor URL>).
  • A preset cursor CSS value (see table below)
  • A preset cursor identified by one of the following constants:
    curHelpHelp for an object
    Associated CSS value: help
    curAutomaticAutomatic cursor: the cursor is inherited if a parent element is associated with a specific cursor, otherwise the default cursor defined for the control is used.
    Associated CSS value: auto
    curIbeamInput cursor
    Associated CSS value: text
    curCrossStandard cross
    Associated CSS value: crosshair
    curDefaultDefault cursor associated with the control
    Associated CSS value: default
    curArrowForbiddenArrow and sign not allowed
    Associated CSS value: no-drop
    curArrowWaitArrow and hourglass
    Associated CSS value: progress
    curForbiddenSign not allowed
    Associated CSS value: not-allowed
    Associated CSS value: pointer
    curSystemHandSystem hand
    This cursor is the same as the one displayed by the curHand constant.
    Associated CSS value: wait
    curSizeCross Arrow cursor
    Associated CSS value: move
    curSizeColumnCursor for resizing columns
    Associated CSS value: col-resize
    curSizeRowCursor for resizing rows
    Associated CSS value: row-resize
    curSizeNESWNorth East/South West arrow
    Associated CSS values: NE-resize Arrows, SW-resize Arrows
    curSizeNWSENorth West/South East arrow
    Associated CSS values: SE-resize Arrows, NW-resize Arrows
    curSizeWEWest East arrow
    Associated CSS values: E-resize Arrows, W-resize Arrows
    curSizeNSNorth South arrow
    Associated CSS values: S-resize Arrows, N-resize Arrows
Remark: The CSS all-scroll and vertical-text values have no associated WLanguage constants.
WEBDEV - Browser code CSS value associated with the cursor or URL address to a cursor managed by the browser. In this case, the value has the following format: 'url(<Cursor URL>)'.
<Element used>: Name of control or page
Name of the control or page whose associated cursor must be found.
WINDEVWindowsAndroidJavaUser code (UMC)

Modifying the rollover cursor defined for a window control or for a windowHide the details

<Element used>..MouseCursor = <Cursor name>
<Element used>: Control name or window name
Name of the control or window whose cursor must be modified
<Cursor name>: Character string or integer constant
Name of the cursor to use. Can correspond to:
  • A specific cursor name (file with a .CUR or .ANI extension):
    • name of the cursor if the file is found in the current directory,
    • name and full path of the cursor if the file is found in a directory other than the current directory.
      Java ".CUR" or ".ANI" custom mouse cursors are not supported in Java.
      Android .ANI custom mouse cursors are not supported in Java.
  • A preset cursor identified by one of the following constants:
    curHelpHelp for an object
    curIbeamInput cursor
    curCrossStandard cross
    curArrowStandard arrow
    curUpArrowUp arrow
    curForbiddenSign not allowed
    curSystemHandSystem hand
    Java Cursor identical to curHand.
    curSizeCross Arrow cursor
    curSizeNESWNorth East/South West arrow
    curSizeNWSENorth West/South East arrow
    curSizeWEWest East arrow
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code

Modifying the rollover cursor defined for a a page control or for a pageHide the details

<Element used>..MouseCursor = <Cursor name>
<Element used>: Name of control or page
Name of the control or page whose cursor must be modified
<Cursor name>: Character string or integer constant
Name of the cursor used for the specified control or window. The default value is the curAutomatic constant: the cursor is inherited if a parent element is associated with a specific cursor, otherwise the default cursor defined for the control is used.
Can correspond to:
  • The full name of a cursor file (file with a .CUR or .ANI extension). This file must be found in the _WEB directory of the site.
    Remark: the .cur and .ani files are not supported by Firefox.
    WEBDEV - Browser code The custom cursors are not supported.
  • A specific cursor name (cursor file managed by the browser). The associated CSS value corresponds to url(uri).
  • A preset cursor CSS value (see table below)
  • A preset cursor identified by one of the following constants:
    curHelpHelp for an object
    Associated CSS value: help
    curAutomaticAutomatic cursor: the cursor is inherited if a parent element is associated with a specific cursor, otherwise the default cursor defined for the control is used.

    Associated CSS value: auto
    curIbeamInput cursor
    Associated CSS value: text
    curCrossStandard cross
    Associated CSS value: crosshair
    curDefaultDefault cursor associated with the control
    Associated CSS value: default
    curArrowForbiddenArrow and sign not allowed
    Associated CSS value: no-drop
    curArrowWaitArrow and hourglass
    Associated CSS value: progress
    curForbiddenSign not allowed
    Associated CSS value: not-allowed
    Associated CSS value: pointer
    curSystemHandSystem hand
    This cursor is the same as the one displayed by the curHand constant.
    Associated CSS value: wait
    curSizeCross Arrow cursor
    Associated CSS value: move
    curSizeColumnCursor for resizing columns
    Associated CSS value: col-resize
    curSizeRowCursor for resizing rows
    Associated CSS value: row-resize
    curSizeNESWNorth East/South West arrow
    Associated CSS values: NE-resize Arrows, SW-resize Arrows
    curSizeNWSENorth West/South East arrow
    Associated CSS values: SE-resize Arrows, NW-resize Arrows
    curSizeWEWest East arrow
    Associated CSS values: E-resize Arrows, W-resize Arrows
    curSizeNSNorth South arrow
    Associated CSS values: S-resize Arrows, N-resize Arrows

Remark: The CSS all-scroll and vertical-text values have no associated WLanguage constants.
WEBDEV - Browser code CSS value associated with the cursor or URL address to a cursor managed by the browser. In this case, the value has the following format: 'url(<Cursor URL>)'.

Preset cursors

The preset cursors correspond to the Windows cursors and they can be modified via the control panel (or the desktop themes). The illustrations correspond to the default values and they can change according to the user preferences.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code 

Defining a custom cursor for the browser

To specify a specific cursor in a page or in a page control, all you have to do is indicate a character string with ..MouseCursor. The following operations are automatically performed by WEBDEV when the cursor is displayed in the page:
  • If the string starts with "url(" , the string that follows is considered as being a direct CSS value and the value is directly written into the style.
  • If the string starts with "http://" , the CSS value 'url()' is automatically added around the address.
  • If the string contains a dot (.) and starts with '/' : the specified URL is considered as being relative to the site. The '\' characters are changed into '/' and the CSS value 'url()' is added around the address.
  • If the string contains a dot (.) and does not start with '/' : the specified URL is considered as being relative to the _WEB directory. The '\' characters are changed into '/', fWebDir is added before the URL and the CSS value 'url()' is added around the address.
Remark: To display the cursors with a IIS server, the MIME type must be configured for the .cur and .ani files. The MIME type to use is "application/octet-stream".
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code 

Limitation for the List Box control and Combo Box control

..MouseCursor has no effect if the following conditions are fulfilled:
  • List Box or Combo Box control
  • Browser used: Internet Explorer (test run on Internet Explorer 7 and earlier)
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codeJava 


WINDEV ..MouseCursor only applies to the:
  • Window controls.
  • Windows.
  • Control templates.
This property cannot be used with:
  • The menus
  • The table rows
  • The table columns
Java ..MouseCursor only applies to the following elements:
  • Button.
  • Static control.
  • Edit control.
  • Image.
  • Check Box.
  • Radio Button.
  • List Box.
  • Combo Box.
  • TreeView.
  • Tab.
  • Table.
  • Table column.
Android ..MouseCursor is available from Android 7.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code ..MouseCursor only applies to the:
  • Page controls,
  • Pages.

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